December Book Haul

Hello everyone!

Today I watched a few booktuber videos and it made me want to write about books that I’ve read recently. Most of them are young adult books,which I kind of feel guilty about because these books can be incredibly cheesy,but hey,I’m eighteen,I’m technically still a teenager,so I’m allowed to like them. This might be a long post because I am very enthusiastic about books,sorry!

#1 Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard


I finished this book about a week ago because I finally had time to read. I love the cover,it’s beautiful. I think covers are very important,because I am more likely to buy a book if it has a nice cover. This book is not too long, it’s 383 pages. It’s about a world,where there are silvers (wealthy people with god-like powers) and reds,who are poor,have no powers and are ruled by the silvers. And of course there is a girl,who turns out to be special and helps the revolution and stuff,yes, it is a bit like Hunger Games and Divergent and all those other books. (I feel like every book is about a distopian future now…)
There is a huge plot twist in this book and I’ve heard that people were very shocked about it,but for me it was like “really,you didn’t see that coming?”. For me it was clear from the very beggining that that certain character was shady as hell so I wasn’t particularly surprised when he turned out to be evil,but I don’t want to spoil it for anyone.
It was hard for me to get through the first 15-20 pages because things were kinda slow,but after that it got more and more interesting and I finished it quite quickly. I actually loved this book,which was surprising because I didn’t think I would like it this much.
The characters were well-written, the storyline was interesting and I liked that it didn’t focus that much on love, it was more about the war and the fights. Too bad I have to wait until february to read the second book.

#2 The Mortal Instruments Series by Cassandra Clare


These books came out years ago,but I started re-reading them in the past few days. This series is a guilty pleasure of mine because I kinda feel like I’m too old to be reading these books,but they are just so good! I could write a hundred pages about these,but I am not going to,because that would be boring for everyone. Let me just say though that the movie was nothing like the book and I don’t think that the tv series will be any better to be honest. Maybe they should just stop trying.

#3 Tales of the Jazz Age by F. Scott Fitzgerald


I bought this because, as I mentioned before, the 1920’s is my favorite era. This is not just one big story,there are several short stories in it. I think my favorite was “The Lees of Happiness”. Maybe I was just in a very emotional state when I read it,but I actually cried and I never cry because of books or movies.

#4 Looking for Alaska by John Green


This is my favorite John Green book. TFIOS was good, I didn’t like Paper Towns that much,but Looking for Alaska is the best. The characters are very interesting and the whole book just felt very realistic.  I think the ending was a bit weird though,I didn’t feel like it was properly finished because we never actually found out what really happened. Also,this book is about to get very relevant since I heard it’s gonna be a movie soon.

#5 The Selection by Kiera Cass


I chose to put this book on the list to tell you that I didn’t like it very much. I mean it was good for a little light reading,but I just couldn’t really get into it.  I finished it of course,but I wasn’t tempted to buy the second book. Oh well,at least the cover is pretty!

If anyone has any book recommendations,I would love to hear them!